Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Drug Trafficking And Its Effects On America - 964 Words

In regard to Latin America, this area is a crucial geographical zone for drug trafficking and production. Due to the location, the drug trade has found its perfect home, vast mountains and forests enable huge farms to produce and ship drugs to any region they want. Whether it is Colombia, Peru or one of the many countries found to be in this vast collection of drug trafficking, it is apparent that they all share similar geographies that allow the trade to continue. As a result of this, countries in this region have been subjugated to many imperialistic like efforts to eradicate this growing issue, regardless of involvement. Through the use of diplomacy and past military intervention, the U.S. and other countries have tried to keep a grip on the ever growing drug ring surrounding this area. Unfortunately, it has become evident that the effort given by the U.S. is not enough to combat this ever growing and secure market. Drug trafficking first started to show itself in Latin America d uring the years from the 1960s to 1970s, when the use of drugs began to become more popular throughout the youth of this period (â€Å"Crandal†). During this time, the people in these exporting countries started to see a large growth in the revenues brought upon by the trafficking, and rural communities began to supply more and more drugs, beginning with Marijuana, but eventually becoming a much larger exporter of cocaine(â€Å"Drug Trafficking†). Cocaine began to seem like the perfect drug to trafficShow MoreRelatedDrug Trafficking And Its Effects On America1600 Words   |  7 Pages In a country of struggling economies, many have viewed the drug trade as one South American’ s most successful businesses. Latin America s drug trafficking industry has been depicted in United States popular culture through motion pictures such as Scarface and Traffic. The purpose of my research is to take away society’s perception of what Hollywood has depicted drug trade to be and bring out what narcotics trafficking really is, as well as trying to coincide with the motivations of those peopleRead MoreDrug Trafficking And Its Effects On America1137 Words   |  5 Pages Drug trafficking has turned into one of the important and complex world issue today. Drug trafficking is the act of selling producing and transporting drugs that are illegal this can be seen in small or large scale operations. Today s drug market is huge and most of the drug related business takes place mostly between Mexico and the U.S. This paper will explore how the Mexican cartels cause crime in order to gain money, induce fear upon the population, and gain power in Mexico. From the yearRead MoreDrug Trafficking And Its Effects On America1261 Words   |  6 Pagesissues that threatens to destroy humanity. 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